Educational FreedomgeneralSeparation of School and State

We’ve Been Schooled video

Keppler Education and Roman Roads Press have produced an excellent short video on the history, purposes, and results of American education. Their intended audience is Christian parents, but the video should speak to all who care about educational freedom.

Educational FreedomgeneralSeparation of School and State

Separation of Church and State and the School Connection

Micahel Anthony Peroutka presents a video lecture titled “Separation of Church & State: The Truth and the Lie” (actual lecture starts at 14:26) that explores the origins of that doctrine and its present-day application. Peroutka points out that most of… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomHomeschoolingSeparation of School and State

Resources for Parents Teaching Their Own Children

Many of those who check out this website advocating for the separation of SCHOOL and STATE are interested in homeschooling or other ways of providing a good education for their children. My primary work is publishing reviews of educational resources… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomgeneralSeparation of School and State

A Manifesto for Separation of School and State

C. Bradley Thompson makes a clear and compelling case for the separation of school and state. He goes even further to advocate the abolition of America’s government-funded schools. Acknowledging that this sounds like an extremely radical idea to most Americans,… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomgeneralSeparation of School and State

Are Government Schools Unconstitutional?

An article by American legal scholar, Philip Hamburger asks, “Is the Public School System Constitutional?” His answer is a resounding yes, and he frames his arguments around the First Amendment’s protection of free speech. He states, “The public school system,… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomgeneralSeparation of School and State

Parents Who Complain to School Boards and Administrators might be Treated Like Terrorists

The National School Boards Association demanded that the Biden administration stop angry parents from showing up at school board meetings to protest against mandates for CRT, masking, and other problematic issues. The NSBA wants the administration to classify the actions… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomHomeschoolingSeparation of School and State

Percentage of children homeschooled rises from 3.3% to 11%

The number of children being homeschooled remained relatively static at about 3.3% for many years until the pandemic hit. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, that number increased to 11% by last fall. The survey was designed… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomSeparation of School and State

Providing Educational Options for the Poor

In his book, The Beautiful Tree, James Tooley wrote about his discovery of private schools available to very poor families in India, Africa, and China, schools that existed in spite of governments and regulations. Families sacrificed to pay the meager… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomgeneralHomeschoolingSeparation of School and State

Homeschooling Becomes an Increasingly Favored Option

Despite misgivings people have held about homeschooling over the years, the number of people who view it as a favorable option is higher than the number of those who few it unfavorably according to ongoing polling conducted by Morning Consult… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomgeneralHomeschoolingSeparation of School and State

Influential people say take your children out of government schools

Dennis Prager has been telling parents to get their children out of government schools–elementary through college, saying it frequently in recent months on his nationally syndicated radio show. In a recent video interview with Carrie Sheffield of Just the News,… Continue Reading…