Educational FreedomgeneralHomeschoolingSeparation of School and State

Homeschooling Becomes an Increasingly Favored Option

Despite misgivings people have held about homeschooling over the years, the number of people who view it as a favorable option is higher than the number of those who few it unfavorably according to ongoing polling conducted by Morning Consult… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomgeneralHomeschoolingSeparation of School and State

Influential people say take your children out of government schools

Dennis Prager has been telling parents to get their children out of government schools–elementary through college, saying it frequently in recent months on his nationally syndicated radio show. In a recent video interview with Carrie Sheffield of Just the News,… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomSeparation of School and State

Is It Time to Replace Government Schools?

John Hood’s lengthy article, “The Failure of Amerian Public Education,” provides a helpful recap of the history of public schools in the United States. The rationale for the creation of public schools, including their use as a “melting pot” to… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomgeneralSeparation of School and State

Parents Are Discovering What’s Being Taught in Public Schools

Newsweek ran an article by Abigail Shrier on October 16, 2020 titled, “The Gathering Parent Horror at Public School.” Shrier witnessed her own seven-year-old daughter’s experience of emotional manipulation by a classroom teacher via Zoom. Starting from the premise that… Continue Reading…

Educational FreedomHomeschooling

France wants to ban homeschooling to protect children from religion

According to an article in Education News, “France Moves to Ban Homeschooling: ‘Protect Children From Religion,’” French President Emmanuel Macron wants to ban homeschooling to protect children from religion. Many people are aware of issues with Islam within France, but… Continue Reading…


Do we really need public schools?

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire titled today’s article “The Truth Is Out. We Don’t Need The Public School System.” He points out, [T]he education system has failed to do what it should be trying to do, which is to equip new generations… Continue Reading…


Espinoza: a Good Decision That Will Produce Some Bad Results

Cathy Duffy Share Most conservatives are elated about the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Espinoza vs. Montana Department of Revenue. The decision struck down the state’s law that prohibited any type of aid from the government to religious schools. On one… Continue Reading…


Dr. Brian Ray – “Homeschooling: What in the World is Going On?”

Dr. Brian Ray eloquently explains why Christians should not put their children in government schools or in programs under the control of the government. This is a hard-hitting presentation aimed at Bible-believing Christians.(Presented at Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, CA, August… Continue Reading…


Defunding Police? Missing the Real Problem: Unions

When we talk about defunding police, we should really be talking about getting rid of the unions that make it almost impossible to get rid of bad actors in the police department. The same applies to schools. Most teachers are… Continue Reading…


The Poor Get Left Behind with the Educational Shakeup

Jonathan Butcher of RedefinED hopes to draw attention to deeper questions about educational options while we have this unique moment in history that has upset traditional notions of how education should happen. He says, “Homeschooling’s moment has arrived. “Surveys and… Continue Reading…