Educational FreedomSeparation of School and State

Providing Educational Options for the Poor

In his book, The Beautiful Tree, James Tooley wrote about his discovery of private schools available to very poor families in India, Africa, and China, schools that existed in spite of governments and regulations. Families sacrificed to pay the meager… Continue Reading…

Separation of School and State

Families Figure Out That Teachers’ Unions Prioritize Their Own Agendas over that of Children and Families

A story in the Sacramento Bee,” ‘Breaking point.’ Families fleeing Sacramento-area public schools as campuses stay closed,” reveals yet more evidence that teachers’ unions care less about the needs of the children they are supposed to serve than their own… Continue Reading…


The Poor Get Left Behind with the Educational Shakeup

Jonathan Butcher of RedefinED hopes to draw attention to deeper questions about educational options while we have this unique moment in history that has upset traditional notions of how education should happen. He says, “Homeschooling’s moment has arrived. “Surveys and… Continue Reading…